Sunday 19 April 2020

What To Choose ?!

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum and HI everything. HAHAHA
Lama tak berblog. Korang apa khabar? Okay tak RMO ni? For sure, aku pasti berat badan aku naik sekarang. OMG. Workout ke laut because im mentally ill now. Terkurung dalam kolej. HAHAHA.
But just forget about it.
Tonight, i just want to share why you should choose courses in math department UPM.
FYI, i am currently in my third year of Bachelor Statistics with Honours. Only have 2 sem to finish it including latihan industri.
In math department, we have about 4 courses. If im not mistake which is :
1. Bacelor Matematik Dengan Kepujian
2. Bacelor Matematik Dengan Kepujian (Pendidikan)
3. Bacelor Statistik Dengan Kepujian
4. Bacelor Statistik Dengan Kepujian (Pendidikan)

Im heard that lepasan STPM, Foundation & Matriculation yang sekarang ni akan masuk tahun depan? Really? If salah, please comment kat bawah. Kalau betul, tahniah & takziah. Kesian korang weyh. Kesian kat diri sendiri jugak because tak tahu dapat graduate on time ke tak. May Allah easier our way no matter what happen. Aamiin.

So yang tertanya tanya, best ke tak statistik ni, okay ke tak, senang ke tak. My answer is NO. If youre not ready and just apply it because you like mathematics or addmath in your high school or foundation, youre totally wrong. For average students like me, this courses is no joke. If youre not ready physically & mentally, then youre totally die. This courses is not my first choices. This is my last choices. Because im from ASPER, i just put anything in my last choices. Tuah tak berpihak to me. But i will never give up. I want to prove that i can do this. I can study courses that i dont like.
Alhamdulillah, i survived until now eventhough i want to change courses durung my first year.

okay,back to our stories,statistics is different than mathematics yg you fikir. Ada theory,ada application. But apa yang best is you will learn many statistics application like SAS,SPSS,R,C++ and more. But apa semua tu? This is statistics coding. This will make you more marketable when you apply work. Statistics is more than kira kira yang you tgh fikir sekarang. It is more to decision making for data that you received. Because of that, all courses have statistics. All about data. All company, all department have data. So this is your time to make decision based on data whether we collect it ourselves or they provided. Because of that jugak, statisticians sangat diperlukan di each company in Malayisa. Kata lain bagi statisticians also data scientist and banyak lagi.

So when we study in this courses, what subject will we learn ?
Every 5 years, kokurikulum changes. But i will tell mines. During first year, you will learn basic mathematics likes calculus, algebra and some elective subject based on your choice laa. Sebabtu when you first year, you will combine with mathematics students also. In second year, you will start to study statistics. advance calculus, elective subjects and university subjects. but jangan pelik if mathematics students also learn statistics subjects. First year, second year , mostly mathematics and statistics students akan combine. But start second sem second year, dah start tak sama dah. Mathematics will learn their subjects and statistics also. Ada banyak statistics subjects such as experimental design, statistical quality control, linear model, bayesian method, statistical modelling and inference and more. Yang penting, the more you study in statistics, you will love or hate.

Dont be surprises, if i said that many of my friends, drop from this courses. Susah bro sis. During my first year, almost every day, im cried and felt very hopeless. Im depress and difficult to sleep. Nak collect merit lagi utk stay kolej. But, it is your choices. If you dont want to struggle to stay kolej, duduk jelah luar kampus. Itu lagi senang bcs you can focus to study. tapi itu ikut kemampuan laa. After second year laa, i baru rasa terurus sikit sebab dah pandai manage time semua. Alhamdulillah

Yang important, for me, i choose to study dalam kegembiraan. Aku tak macam orang lain tau.Mana yang kenal aku je aku faham macam mana. HAHAHA. Im quite cheerful but strict. We ourselves have our own struggles. Dont compare us with others. Kau adalah kau. Ini je yang mampu i buat, so i buat setakat tuu. Tapi yang penting aku nak cakap, dekat jabatan math ni, culture tanya pointer tu macam takde. so jgn mulakan culture tu. Takut orang tak suka. Kat sini, issue pointer ni sensitif. Lagi sensitif daripada issue perkauman. HAHAHA. Thats all from me tonight.

Take care. Always drink plain water. Wash your hands & wear mask. Goodnight!
P/S : tolong laa subscribe aku punya blog. bila lagi nak support member. & i will selit my pictures with my coursemate. Thanks for reading.

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